Born: December 2, 1952 McLennan County, Texas
Death: December 12, 2014 Waco, McLennan County, Texas
Purvey Lee Toten (1918 – 1998)
Katie Katherine McDonald Toten (1927 – 1992)
Donnie, as known by his family, was born December 2, 1952 to Purvey and Katy Toten. He was the 4th born of 6 children and grew up in the China Spring community. He attended China Spring school where he was very active in the band. He attended TSTI for an Ammonia Hazmat degree. He was the father to 4 wonderful daughters, Serena, Becky, Tiffany and Aimee. He may not have always been in their lives while they were growing up, but he did have the chance about 4 years ago to re enter their lives. The light of Don’s eyes was being able to spend time with his grandson, C. J. and see his granddaughters, Caprice and Alessa on the day they were born. He had the best time this past weekend when his 3 daughters and his grandchildren were visiting him. He served several years in the Marines as a Staff Sgt. during the Vietnam War. He worked several years as a Security Guard earning the rank of Sgt. at various places in Waco.
He was preceded in death by his parents, his sister, Faye Anderson; brothers, Bud Toten and Pete (PeeWee) Toten.
He is survived by his sister, Hazel Crews; brother Kenneth Toten & wife Patty; sister in laws Elaine Toten & Maybel Toten; daughters, Serena Toten, Becky Toten; Tiffany Moran & Aimee Toten; grandson C J Moran; granddaughters, Caprice & Alessa and best friend Annette Crook. Also special nephew & WWE buddy, Ryan Martin along with many nieces and nephews.
When Don was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and things were not looking good, he sat down with Hazel & Annette one night, and began to reflect back on important moments in his life. He shared with us his greatest accomplishment. It was being the father of his 4 daughters. He regretted not being always in their lives when they were young, but was so thrilled when he was given the chance to rekindle the relationship with each one of the “girls” in the past 5+ years. Don said “things I have learned in life that I shared with my girls were to have good values, have good morals, and take responsibility for your own actions. Be independent and be true to own self.”
Don’s favorite hobbies were: working puzzles, watching wrestling with CJ and Ryan; bowling, camping with family, family get-to-gathers and watching his monster movies with the 2 boys……..
Don passed away suddenly Thursday morning Dec 11, 2014 at home. He will be greatly missed and remembered by all.