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Murphy, John Verni

Murphy, John & Ruby J 2

Location: J-Payne

Born: July 30, 1912 Patrick, McLennan County, Texas

Died: January 1, 1986 San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas

Robert M Murphy (1887 – 1968)
Eunice Roberts Murphy (1888 – 1919)

Ruby Jay Murphy (1915 – 1991)

Marjorie Jeanette Murphy Johnson (1938 – 2014)

John V. Murphy, 73, of 2904 Reuter Ave., former member of the Waco Police Department, died Tuesday in a San Antonio hospital.

Services will be at 10 a.m. Friday at Wilkirson-Hatch Funeral Home Chapel, the Rev. John Lightfoot and the Rev. Lee Geldmeier officiating.  Masonic graveside services will be conducted by Herring Avenue Lodge No. 1234 at China Spring Cemetery.

The family will be at Wilkirson-Hatch Funeral Home from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday.

Mr. Murphy was born July 3o, 1912 in Patrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Murphy.  He attended schools in Ross, China Spring and Waco.  He was married to Ruby Jay in 1933 in Waco.

He was a salesman at Cogdell Auto Supply Co. for the past 40 years.  He was a member of Herring Avenue Lodge No. 1234 AT&AM, a Shriner and a past patron of the Walter Baldwin Chapter No. 929 of the Order of the Eastern Star.  He was a member of Herring Avenue Baptist Church.

Survivors include his wife; two daughters, Mrs. J. T. (Carolyn Jay) Wennestrom of Torrance, Calif., and Mrs. W. C. (Marjorie C.) Johnson of San Antonio; two sisters, Mrs. H. H. (Renthier) Webb and Mrs. A. R. (Imogene) Knuckols, both of Waco; a brother, R. N. Murphy of Waco; seven grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.


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