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Brock, Sarah Jane Sparks

Brock, Sara Jane

Location: I-Jackson

Born: March 23, 1833 Hall County, Georgia

Died: February 28, 1907 China Spring, McLennan County, Texas

James Robert Sparks (1803 – ____)
Susan Habin Sparks (1808 – ____)

Isaac Brock (1787 – 1909)

James Augustus Brock (1853 – 1922)
Lafayette Americus Brock (1855 – 1934)
George Andrew Brock (1857 – 1892)
Issac Brock (1859 – 1919)
Sallie Brock Ballard (1863 – 1960)
Henrietta Brock Drahn (1867 – 1962)

Mrs. Sarah Brock Died Yesterday
Mrs. Sarah Brock, aged 74 years, died at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon at the family residence between China Springs and Valley Mills, after a short illness.
The funeral will take place this afternoon at the Chapel Hill cemetery.  The chief trouble seemed to be old age and a general breaking down of health.  Mrs. Brock has been right active until within the last year or two, when her health began to break.  She was a woman who claimed the entire esteem of all who knew her. In this connection it might be stated that Isaac Brock, husband of Mrs. Sarah Brock, is the man who claims to be 116 years of age, and whose picture has appeared in many of the newspapers in connection with advertisements.  He has thus come to be very well known indeed.

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